supernatural Super Villains who derserve to be in MARVEL STUDIOS
Baron Mordo

“Salieri to Strange’s Amadeus,” Thompson summarizes neatly. “Baron Mordo is one of Doctor Strange’s first rivals and a fantastic character created by [Steve] Ditko and [Stan] Lee. Trained by the Ancient One alongside Stephen [and] filled with jealousy and rage, Mordo plotted to kill [his teacher], but Strange exposed his plot, creating a lifelong rivalry between the two sorcerers.”

Readers may associate Dormammu with being the Hood’s patron or bedeviling the Avengers, but his history with the Doctor proves deep, dating back to the early 60’s. “Dormammu is the Ruler of the Dark Dimension and a constant thorn in the side of Doctor Strange,” explains Thompson. “Check out STRANGE TALES #126-127, ‘The Domain of the Dread Dormammu’ for one of the true classic Strange stories.”
Doctor Doom

“Doom is one of my all-time favorites in the Marvel Universe,” enthuses the writer. “I love him so much I sometimes forget he’s a villain! Commonly known as the leader of Latveria, he’s also an incredibly powerful sorcerer. Check out Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom: Triumph and Torment for one tale. And you may just see him in an upcoming issue of SORCERERS SUPREME!”
supernatural Super Villains who derserve to be in MARVEL STUDIOS
Reviewed by GG 360°
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