Marvel hears about HAWKEYE

She may be the second person to use the name Hawkeye, but in all other ways, Kate Bishop comes second to none.
Out to make sure everyone else knows that, writer Kelly Thompson and artist Leonardo Romero showcase Bishop’s adventures in her new ongoing solo book. Before HAWKEYE #1 hits stands on November 11, we caught up with Thompson.

Kelly Thompson: Kate is definitely not showing all her open wounds to the world, that’s not her way. So while she’s pretty torn up inside, and I think her move back to the West Coast and her desire for change and a clean break is pretty telling, she’s not going to wear any of that on her sleeve. Kate is pretty high-energy, resilient, and optimistic as a character and she can lean on that to get her through tough stuff. I’d say that’s exactly where she is right now, leaning on that stuff to get her through a really rough time in her time. I think I accidentally already answered this when I said “high-energy, resilient, and optimistic.” Kate sees things as a “Hawkeye” which is a very specific skill, but she also sees things as “Kate” which is maybe even more special and specific. Kate has a sort of rare eternally springing hope in her, despite all she’s seen and I think she brings that to everything she does. A boundless enthusiasm and energy, even a clumsiness in her zest for life; she’s also funny as hell, often inadvertently, which I love about her.
Marvel hears about HAWKEYE Marvel hears about HAWKEYE Reviewed by GG 360° on 03:16 Rating: 5

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