DC Superheroes We Want to See Join the Legends of Tomorrow
The ragtag group of losers that made up DC's Legends of Tomorrow did something surprising in the last year and a half or so: they grew up.
And while watching the development of characters you love is a treat, it's not inherently suited to a show whose high concept is that they are the f--k-ups who merit no mention in history books.
And we don't want a total overhaul of the crew of the Waverider -- but it might be fun to check in with a few new DC faces sometime this season or at the beginning of next, and rather than teaming up with the Justice Society -- the best of the best and the standard to which all future generations hold themselves -- maybe...teaming up with somebody who's a little more...crappy?

It sounds counterintuitive, but it kind of makes sense: even before the Suicide Squad was killing it at the box office, they were a great part of Arrow, in part because of the fun dynamic and the totally unpredictable chemistry they brought to the table
DC Superheroes We Want to See Join the Legends of Tomorrow
Reviewed by GG 360°
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