The Shield Reunite At Survivor Series


(Photo: WWE)

Having Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose on opposing forces at Survivor Series this year, there was little hope that a Shield reunion would take place. Rollins had turned on his brothers two years ago having "bought in" to the Authority and became Triple H's latest pet project. Roman and Dean kept a brotherly rivalry with Roman always seeming to get the upper hand, but eventually all three man would become WWE World Champions as was long predicted by the WWE Universe. 
At Survivor Series, Dean Ambrose as the first eliminated and left the ring, but towards the end, the Lunatic Fringe returned and was helped by his former "brothers" to take down AJ Styles and performed the three-man powerbomb on the current WWE World Champion. 
The Shield Reunite At Survivor Series The Shield Reunite At Survivor Series Reviewed by GG 360° on 02:57 Rating: 5

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